RIP 123guestbook

Coyburn: 2:01pm 05-09-2024
hi i think you have a very wonderful site thank you for making and sharing it with us

Vashti: 8:42pm 04-17-2024
Happy to see you updating again (o´▽`o)

Marty: 4:45pm 10-09-2023
thx for the shrimp graphic i lov it

Dim: 3:53pm 10-02-2023

df: 10:22am 09-19-2023
Thanks for the kind message! Looking forward to seeing your site grow :-)

floral-tears: 1:27pm 09-13-2023
I had a lot of fun looking around your site! Thank you for linking me, I added your button to my links page

Divergent Rays: 9:48pm 09-12-2023
I don't consider myself a Trekkie but I have really been enjoying Strange New Worlds. Every episode has just been awesome.

Brittanie / Petdiary: 11:03am 09-10-2023
I like your site! Very personable and fun to look at. I like all your gifs. And your kitty is cuuute!

lenny: 8:55am 02-16-2023
i love your site. it's a calming thing

Thel3tterm: 8:15am 01-25-2023
Hey! I stumbled across your site while browsing Neocities and wanted to say that I really like it! I especially enjoy your collection of cool links. It's inspired me to try to put together something like that of my own later. (I'm still new to all of this.) Regardless, thanks for sharing your cool website and I hope you have a good day.

blob: 8:12pm 12-13-2022
thank you for your artfully decorated site. i especially appreciate the subtle textures in the back.

mrpibb: 10:59am 12-13-2022
cool site

houg: 11:07am 11-28-2022
I love this website! It's so serene and I really love your dreams page. It's very cool Have a good day!!

Mika: 5:45pm 06-14-2022
This site has a very peaceful, eerily nostalgic feel to it. Love it!

August: 11:54am 05-24-2022
man I really need a nice cigarette-and-ocean-sunset kinda afternoon... lovely site

Rhiannon: 8:06pm 04-30-2022
I love your honest your site is, especially the diary and dream record. The overall effect feels quite relaxing and peaceful, like sitting down by a beach or park to have a private chat. Hope to see more updates.

Sadness: 3:06pm 04-28-2022
hey nice website! your about page reminded me about Harold and Maude, I haven't watched it since I was a teenager but I loved it so much. kinda wanna watch it again but don't want to cry my eyes out lmao.

Divergent Rays: 12:36am 04-17-2022
Hi! Enjoyed looking through your site. As Steve1989 would say - "Nice!"